CBD Cigarettes are a type of cigarette that is similar to the traditional cigarette but its made from hemp and contains no tobacco. The camouflaged cigarette is created by mixing inseparably two portions of the hemp product with naturally cultivated hemp. The hemp product contains tobacco alternatives that have low THC value (less than .3%). As a critical point, Unlike Traditional Cigarettes, tobacco here has no presence at all due to using Hempettes.
CBD cigarettes have also been classified as a type of cannabis that has a higher concentration of cannabidol CBD, and can be inhaled. CBD is reported to be able to help with relaxation and is able to modulate pain as well.
Wild Hemp CBD Cigarettes
Wild Hemp
Why it's Special?
Wild Hemp CBD Cigarettes – Natural, Smooth, and Relaxing
Experience the natural, smooth relief of Wild Hemp CBD Cigarettes, designed to deliver high-quality CBD with every puff. Made with hemp flower, these cigarettes offer a...